There are several club stand events for us to attend for 2023.
If any Member has an idea for a Club Stand or Display or wishes to attend a club stand please send me send me a message via the form on this page.
Thank you and stay safe.
Paul Coleman
The Epsom area MG Owner’s Club arranges several displays of member’s MGs through the Summer months, for the benefit of local schools and charities.
There are quite a few things booked in already and there are still more to follow:
4 August – Gatwick Aviation Museum Proposed date for Club BBQ – details to follow.
11 August – Cranleigh Car Show.
You should receive this newsletter just before the cut-off date for Club Registration and payment of £10 for Cranleigh which
closes on 30th June, so, if you wish to go, click this link and, on the right-hand side click Checkout. Complete your details
making sure you choose our Club in the Car Club field – MG Owners Club V (Epsom Area) – I have no idea what the V is
either! Do not choose the Fast Track Public Booking but you can still book using this option up to the date of the show.
29 September – The Diamond Centre, Woodmansterne Road, Carshalton SM5 4DT
As confirmed last month, we will have our usual Club stand at The Diamond Centre for Disabled People’s Autumn Fair. This
is always a very enjoyable event with lots to see and do.
For more information or to tell me you are coming to any Club Stand, either see me at a Club night or email me on
Looking forward to seeing lots of members at Club Stands through the summer, Paul