The Epsom Area MG Owners’ Club has a continuing policy of charitable fundraising.

Our members take part in car displays at local events and we organise events to boost fundraising too.  Then, each year our members nominate local charities to receive a donation which is presented at our Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony.

If you would like to nominate a local charity for our next event please contact us.

2023 Charitable Donations

The following charities received a donation of £300 each

2021 Charitable Donations

The following charities received a donation of £250 each

Cancer Research UK

Sponsored by David Cornwell  |  cancerresearchuk.org

Cancer Research UK are the world’s leading independent cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research, influence and information.

We want survival in the UK to be among the best in the world. We’re focusing our efforts in four key areas – working to help prevent cancer, diagnose it earlier, develop new treatments and optimise current treatments by personalising them and making them even more effective.

Princess Alice Hospice

Sponsored by Nick Godfrey  |  pah.org.uk

End of life care is about helping people live every moment to the full in comfort and dignity. It’s about creating a space whether in our Hospice or at home where families can enjoy special moments and create precious memories together.

Whatever their job…nurse, chef, therapist, social worker, sales assistant or ward volunteer…everyone at Princess Alice is committed to doing their best. We maintain the highest professional standards so that our care is the very best it can be. And at the heart of everything we do is compassion – because we understand that kindness and understanding make the biggest difference of all.

The Royal Marsden Hospital

Sponsored by Eric Nicholls  |  royalmarsen.nhs.uk

The Royal Marsden opened its doors in 1851 as the world’s first hospital dedicated to cancer diagnosis, treatment, research and education.

Today it operates as a specialist cancer hospital and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre for Cancer, working closely with its principal academic partner, the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR).

Together, The Royal Marsden and the ICR are ranked in the top five cancer centres in the world for the impact of their research, treating over 59,000 NHS and private patients every year.

It is a centre of excellence with an international reputation for groundbreaking research and pioneering the very latest in cancer treatments and technologies, as well as specialising in cancer diagnosis and education.

HRH The Duke of Cambridge became President of The Royal Marsden in 2007, following a long royal connection with the hospital.

St Raphael’s Hospice

Sponsored by Eric Nichols & Malcolm Childs  |  straphaels.org.uk

We care for people in Merton and Sutton living with a life-limiting illness and their families.  Over 1,000 patients and those close to them benefit from our exceptional hospice care every year.  We offer home-based and in-patient care, wellbeing services and bereavement support.

We are proud to be at the heart of the community, whenever and wherever people need us.

2020 Charitable Donations

The following charities received a donation of £400 each

Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital Trust

Sponsored by Caroline Clemmey  |  www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk

Tiggywinkles, The Wildlife Hospital Trust, is a specialist hospital. Thanks to donations, we are a free service. Using the best veterinary care available, we are dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating all species of British wildlife. Since opening our doors over 300,000 patients have received treatment at Tiggywinkles. On our busiest day we can have over 1,600 patients on site!

All British wild animal casualties brought to the hospital are treated completely free of charge and are released through a controlled programme, back to the wild, when they are fully fit.

Over the years we have perfected techniques for hedgehogs, badgers, deer and other species and have a commitment to passing on this information through books, papers, courses and lectures to veterinary schools. The sharing of our treatments and techniques are helping many millions of casualties across the world, most of which are now being looked after thanks to the positive attitude of Tiggywinkles.

We don’t receive government or lottery funding sadly, so we rely on legacies and donations from the public and a handful of Trusts. Every penny helps us to help them.


Sponsored by Ted Law  |  www.meru.org.uk

MERU design and manufacture unique, assistive products for disabled people.

As a charity we are able to develop products which wouldn’t normally be commercially viable. In this way we are able to help people who may have very specific or complex needs.

Our products are designed and manufactured by our design engineers in our Epsom workshops, with the help of our dedicated volunteers. We work with families, individuals, health and social care professionals and other organisations to ensure that our products are designed for purpose.

Elmbridge Mencap

Sponsored by Sue Oughton  |  www.elmbridge-mencap.btck.co.uk

Elmbridge Mencap is affiliated to Mencap but works independently on a local level for the benefit of people with learning disabilities and their parents/carers in the Elmbridge and surrounding areas.  We are here to offer help and advice in a practical way and we hope enrich the lives of all people with learning disabilities.

Mencap is mainly run by volunteers who devote a lot of time to fundraising through organising Christmas fairs, jumble sales, attending fetes, table top sales and cinema nights.

Diamond Riding Centre, Carshalton

Sponsored by Annabel Keily  |  www.diamondcentre org.uk

The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders provides facilities to benefit disabled children and adults by having regular contact with horses.

The Diamond Centre is a unique establishment for riding for the disabled and is known and respected world-wide. We are the only Centre of its kind in the London Region specialising in all fields of riding for the disabled including; dressage, carriage driving, vaulting and hippotherapy.

Riders are aged between 4 and 65 years old and each week, with the assistance of the instructors and helpers, they can enjoy the experience of riding, driving or vaulting. An experience which gives them the chance to be independent, a sense of achievement – and puts smiles on their faces!

Sutton Carers Centre

Sponsored by Malcolm And Marlene Childs  |  www.suttoncarerscentre.org

An independent charity delivering a wide range of local support services to meet the needs of Carers in their own communities. Providing, either by telephone, drop-in or outreach surgeries, the following core services:

  • Information and advice – about all issues affecting Carers, including benefits, breaks, respite and support services, Carer assessment procedures, aids and adaptations

  • Emotional support – by providing opportunities for Carers to talk through their concerns, both individually and in group sessions, with staff, trained volunteers and other Carers who understand their situation, thus helping to alleviate isolation and stress.

  • Community consultation – Carers need a unified voice in any locality to ensure that they have an impact on decision-making. By working with other agencies and consulting Carers, Carers’ Centres can have a strong influence on local policy, planning procedures and outcomes. They can also ensure that the local Carers’ voice can be linked in to the regional and national decision-making bodies.

Mary Frances Trust

Sponsored by Tony Rose  |  www.maryfrancestrust.org.uk

For the past 25 years, Mary Frances Trust has worked with people in Surrey who are experiencing any kind of emotional or mental distress to help them get on with their lives again.

Anxiety and depression are among the most common problems and can affect people of all ages and from all backgrounds.

We provide wellbeing support for stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar, hoarding and any other mental or emotional health issues through one-to-one sessions, courses, groups and activities. We are a LGBT friendly charity, our services are open to all.

2019 Charitable Donations

The following charities received a donation of £400 each

Epsom Riding for the Disabled Association

Sponsored by Marion Rose  | www.epsomrda.btck.co.uk

Epsom RDA is a registered charity providing opportunities for disabled people to learn to ride to benefit their health and well being.

We have over 200 volunteers and a whole herd of ponies to assist our 300 plus riders. We provide riding sessions seven days a week including some evening sessions. Each Session is led by their own experienced and qualified Session Leader, ably assisted by a Deputy, a Group Instructor and a team of volunteers to led the ponies, and support and encourage our riders.

South East Cancer Help Centre (SECHS)

Sponsored by Peter Steele  |  Sechc.org.uk

SECHC aims to give any person affected by cancer an opportunity to explore ways which may help them to cope with their situation. Confidentiality is always maintained. The Centre aims to respect and support them in the choices they make and to provide individual and group support, complementary therapies and information within a friendly, caring environment. These services have local NHS recognition.

Our policy is to provide time and support in addition to that available from healthcare professionals at a notional cost to the Member. We give information but not advice about cancer and its treatment.

Our strategy is to remain a well managed independent charity, staffed predominantly by trained Volunteers, with professional guidance and support. We aim to be well known and respected in our community. We seek to retain sufficient financial reserves to cope with fluctuations in fundraising and grant aid.

“Off the Record”

Sponsored by Mark & Jamie Brown  |  Talkofftherecord.org

Off the Record (OTR) Youth Counselling Croydon was founded in 1994 to provide free, independent and professional counselling for 14 – 25 year olds in the Croydon area. Since then the charity has expanded to include further areas of work including BME mental health work; a young carers service offering support to young people under 26 who are caring for a parent or sibling; a specialist counselling service for young refugees; online counselling and workshops; and our young people’s counselling service in the boroughs of Sutton and Merton.

The Duffus Cancer Foundation

Sponsored by Tony Pearse  |  duffuscancerfoundation.org

Duffus Cancer Foundation aims to offer support primarily to those young people who are indirectly affected by cancer.  They could have experience of a sibling, carer, family member or close friend going through cancer.

We also offer signposting support to those young people directly affected by cancer.

Every Child a Swimmer

Sponsored by Jonathan Kiely  |  everychildaswimmer.com

After 61 years of loyal service, our school pool has reached the end of its life.

We’ve been faced with a decision: should we permanently close our school pool (many schools in the area have had to let their pools go) or hold onto our commitment to see Every Child a Swimmer?

We’ve decided we won’t let the pool go under. Together we can save the pool and see Every Child a Swimmer. So, we’re launching this school-community fundraising project.

For the last 60 years every Avenue pupil has had the opportunity to learn to swim for free, and we’re aiming to maintain this school facility for a further 60 years with your help and support.

2018 Charitable Donations

The following charities received a donation of £300 each

RASASC-Guildford 4

Sponsored by Marion Rose  |  www.rasasc.org

Heathrow Special Needs Centre

Sponsored by Sue Oughton  |  www.heathrowspecialneedscentre.org

Reverse Rett

Sponsored by Ted Law  |  www.reverserett.org.uk

4th Worcester Park Scout Group

Sponsored by Mark Brown  |  www.4wp.org.uk

Surrey Search & Rescue

Sponsored by Kim Shrosbree  |  www.sursar.org.uk

2017 Charitable Donations

The following charities received a donation of £400 each

The Holly Lodge Centre

Sponsored by Malcolm Childs | www.thehollylodgecentre.org.uk

Hounds for Heroes

Sponsored by Margaret Billinge | www.houndsforheroes.com

The Meath Epilepsy Charity

Sponsored by Rita Coleman | www.meath.org.uk

Cardiac Risk in the Young

Sponsored by Marilyn Olding | www.c-r-y.org.uk